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Payment on Delivery Countrywide


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I place an order?

  • Simply browse our products on, add items to your cart, and proceed to checkout. You’ll be prompted to provide your delivery information and payment details to complete the purchase.

2. What payment methods are accepted?

  • We accept payments via major credit and debit cards, mobile money (e.g., M-Pesa), and bank transfers. All payments must be made in full at checkout for order processing.

3. How long does delivery take?

  • Delivery times vary depending on your location and product availability. Estimated delivery times are displayed during checkout, and we aim to process orders as quickly as possible. For specific inquiries, feel free to contact us.

4. Do you deliver outside of Kenya?

  • Currently, our delivery services are limited to [Country/Region]. We do not ship internationally at this time.

5. Can I inspect the item upon delivery?

  • Yes! We encourage all buyers to inspect and test their items upon delivery to ensure satisfaction. You’ll be asked to sign a delivery confirmation once you’re satisfied with the product.

6. What if my item is damaged upon delivery?

  • If you notice any defects or damage before accepting the item, please notify our delivery personnel immediately. You may request a replacement or refuse the item if it does not meet your expectations.

7. Can I return an item after I’ve accepted it?

  • No, once an item is inspected, tested, and accepted at delivery, we do not accept returns. This policy helps us maintain transparency and high standards for product delivery.

8. What should I do if I received the wrong item?

  • If you receive an incorrect item, please inform our delivery team before accepting it. We will arrange for the correct item to be delivered as soon as possible.

9. Is there a warranty on products?

  • Some products may come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Warranty terms vary by product and manufacturer. Please refer to the product packaging or contact the manufacturer for specific warranty information.

10. Do you offer refunds?

  • Refunds are only available if an item is found to be defective prior to acceptance. Once an item is accepted, we do not offer returns or refunds. Refund processing times may vary depending on the payment method.

11. How can I track my order?

  • After placing your order, you’ll receive an email confirmation with order details. Once shipped, we’ll send you tracking information to monitor the delivery status.

12. Who do I contact if I have more questions?

  • If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at [Contact Email] or call us at [Contact Number].

13. Can I change or cancel my order after placing it?

  • Changes or cancellations may be possible if your order has not yet been processed. Contact us as soon as possible with your order details, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

These FAQs can be customized with specific contact details and any other unique policies relevant to Ashna Home.

© Ashna Home 2024